1. The most comprehensive Washington newspaper collection in the world, with more than 40,000 reels of microfilm. Washington Newspaper Collection Catalog |
2. Government Information Locator Service (GILS). The State Library works with state agencies and nonprofit groups to create an indexed online catalog of state, county and city websites for the public to promote electronic access to information and services. The information can then be retrieved through Find-It Washington and Find-It Consumer, two online search tools which help citizens access government information. Find It! Washington | Find-It Consumer |
3. The State Publications Depository, the most comprehensive collection of Washington publications in existence. This collection is a highly valued resource for creating state policy, documenting agency history and in litigation. State Library Catalog |
4. The Complete Jacob Lawrence by Peter T. Nesbett and Michelle DuBois. An informative two-volume set documenting the work of renowned Northwest artist Jacob Lawrence. This book is part of the State Library’s collection of books on Pacific North- west art and artists, including Native American art. The Complete Jacob Lawrence |
5. The State Library has a collection of maps which includes maps dating to pre-statehood and nautical charts. |
6. The State Library has federal census data dating as far back as 1790 and territorial auditors’ censuses from 1851 through 1892. Searchable Census Database | Federal Census Records | Washington Territorial Census Rolls |
7. Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The Gary Moulton edition is a standard reference of the 8,000 mile journey from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean, and includes detailed maps of the historic expedition. View our "Moulton" edition holdings. |
8. The original Territorial Collection assembled by Governor Stevens and funded by the United States Congress. Washington State Library Territorial Collection |
9. The Emma Smith DeVoe papers. A collection of correspondence, newspaper clippings, telegrams and pamphlets written about the local women’s suffrage movement. The collection dates back to 1880. View the Emma Smith DeVoe papers. |
10. The United States Exploring Expedition from 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, United States Navy. A publication of scientific expeditions to the South Pacific and the Pacific Northwest. The multi-volume set contains illustrations of animals, plants, maps and descriptions of geology and geography. The United States Exploring Expedition |