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Elections Search Results

November 1922 General

Constitutional Amendment Article II, Sec. 23

Ballot Title:
An Act amending section 23 of article II of the State Constitution relating to compensation to be paid members of the legislature by increasing the compensation of such members from $5.00 to $10.00 a day for each day's attendance during the session.
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Constitutional Amendment Article VIII, Sec. 4

Ballot Title:
An Act amending section 4 of article VIII of the State Constitution by providing that payments from state appropriations should be made within one calendar month after the end of the next ensuing fiscal biennium.
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Initiative to the People 40

Ballot Title:
An Act providing for the repeal of chapter 174, Laws of 1921, relating to the collection of a poll tax.
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Initiative to the People 46

Ballot Title:
An Act providing for a current state school fund sufficient to produce $30.00 for each child of school age; for the distribution of state and county school funds to school districts upon the equal basis of attendance and teachers employed; and fixing the maximum annual tax levy of school districts, except for bonded indebtedness, at 1.7 per cent of the assessed value of the taxable property thereof.
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Referendum Measure 12

Ballot Title:
An Act providing for the issuance of certificates of necessity and convenience by the director of public works to public service companies in cases where similar service is being rendered the localities proposed to be served by other public service companies.
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Referendum Measure 13

Ballot Title:
An Act providing that parents or guardians may forbid physical examinations of their school children in districts of the first class except when such children show symptoms of contagious or infectious diseases; and providing that vaccination, inoculation or other medication shall not be made a condition of attendance or employment in such schools except of persons suspected of having or who have been exposed to contagious diseases.
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Referendum Measure 14

Ballot Title:
An Act relating to primary nominations and the registration of voters, and requiring electors to state their party affiliations at the time of registration.
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Referendum Measure 15

Ballot Title:
An Act relating to the election and powers of precinct committeemen and party committees, the nomination of candidates for public office, and the holding of party conventions for the purpose of adopting platforms and nominating presidential electors.
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Constitutional Amendment Article I, Sec. 22

Ballot Title:
An Act amending section 22 of article I of the State Constitution by providing that the trial of a person accused of a public offense committed on any railway car, coach, train, boat or other public conveyance may be had in any county through which such conveyance may pass.
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1900 - 1969 was added in March, 2011. All years, 1900 - 2006, are receiving a final proof, which will be indicated under the election name. Those elections that have received a final proof of state totals will say "State Totals Proofed". Those that received a final proof of the county results will say "County Totals Proofed". County results will be proofed last.


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