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Elections Search Results

November 1970 General

House Joint Resolution 42

Ballot Title:
Shall the state constitution be amended to reduce the maximum allowable rate of taxation against property to 1 percent of true and fair value in the absence of authorized excess levies, and to permit the legislature to tax income at a single rate without regard to this limitation or, after 1975, at a graduated rate if the voters in that year or thereafter approve the removal of the single rate limitation?
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House Joint Resolution 6

Ballot Title:
Shall Article VI, Section 1 of the state Constitution be amended to reduce from 21 years to 19 years the age at which an otherwise qualified person shall be entitled to vote and to remove currently inoperative language pertaining to the voting qualifications of certain citizens?
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Initiative to the People 251

Ballot Title:
An initiative declaring that existing taxes imposed by the state of Washington shall not be increased and that no new or additional taxes shall be imposed by the state of Washington.
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Initiative to the People 256

Ballot Title:
An act prohibiting the sale or distribution of beer or any other malt beverage, or of any nonalcoholic mineral water, soda water, or other carbonated or uncarbonated beverage (commonly known as soft drinks) for consumption in this state in cans, bottles, jugs, tubs, vessels or other receptacles not having a refund value of at least five cents for each such container.
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Referendum Bill 20

Ballot Title:
An act permitting the termination of pregnancy when performed: (1) By or under the supervision of a licensed physician; (2) within four lunar months after conception upon a woman not quick with child who has resided in this state for at least ninety days prior to termination; (3) with the woman's consent and that of her husband, if she is residing with him, or if unmarried and under eighteen years of age, with her consent and that of her legal guardian; and providing that no objecting hospital, physician or other person shall be required to participate in a termination of pregnancy.
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Referendum Bill 21

Ballot Title:
An act amending a law approved by the voters in 1968 which authorized the sale of $40,000,000 in bonds for the acquisition and development of outdoor recreation areas and facilities; deleting a requirement in the original act that these bonds be sold prior to January 1, 1975; removing the 6% maximum interest rate payable on said bonds and substituting therefor a provision that the state finance committee shall fix the maximum interest rate.
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Referendum Bill 22

Ballot Title:
An act amending a law approved by the voters in 1968 which authorized the sale of $63,059,000 in bonds to finance various building projects for institutions, general administration and certain higher education facilities; deleting a requirement in the original act that these bonds be sold prior to January 1, 1972; removing the 6% maximum interest rate payable on said bonds and substituting therefor a provision that the state finance committee shall fix the maximum interest rate.
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Referendum Bill 23

Ballot Title:
An act amending the law approved by the voters in 1968 which authorized the sale of $25,000,000 in bonds for aid in the construction and improvement of water pollution control facilities; deleting the requirement in the original act that these bonds be sold prior to January 1, 1971; removing the 6% maximum interest rate payable on said bonds and substituting therefor a provision that the state finance committee shall fix the maximum interest rate.
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1900 - 1969 was added in March, 2011. All years, 1900 - 2006, are receiving a final proof, which will be indicated under the election name. Those elections that have received a final proof of state totals will say "State Totals Proofed". Those that received a final proof of the county results will say "County Totals Proofed". County results will be proofed last.


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