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Elections Search Results

November 1952 General

Substitute House Joint Resolution 13

Ballot Title:
Shall Article IV, section 6 of the Constitution be amended to permit superior courts to have original jurisdiction in all eases where the controversy amounts to one thousand dollars or a lesser sum in excess of the jurisdiction granted inferior courts; and shall Article IV, section 10 of the Constitution be amended to permit justices of the peace to have original jurisdiction where the controversy amounts to less than three hundred dollars or such greater sum not to exceed one thousand dollars?
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House Joint Resolution 8

Ballot Title:
Shall Article VIII, section 6 of the Constitution be amended to permit school districts to become indebted when authorized by popular vote up to an additional five per cent of assessed valuation for capital outlays?
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Initiative to the People 180

Ballot Title:
An act to legalize the manufacture, transportation, possession, sale, use and serving of yellow oleomargarine.
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Initiative to the People 181

Ballot Title:
An act prescribing the observance of standard time, except in an emergency during wartime or when another time has been adopted nationally.
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Initiative to the People 184

Ballot Title:
An act revising the state public assistance laws and returning the public assistance medical program to the Department of Social Security.
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Substitute Senate Joint Resolution 7

Ballot Title:
Shall Article II of the Constitution be amended by adding a new section to provide that no act approved by the people shall be amended or repealed by the legislature within two years following such approval except by a vote of two-thirds of all members of the legislature or by a direct vote of the people at any general or special election thereon?
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House Joint Resolution 6

Ballot Title:
Shall Article IV of the Constitution be amended by adding a new section to provide that judges of the supreme court and superior courts shall retire at the age of seventy-five but permitting the legislature to prescribe a lesser age or other causes for retirement?
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1900 - 1969 was added in March, 2011. All years, 1900 - 2006, are receiving a final proof, which will be indicated under the election name. Those elections that have received a final proof of state totals will say "State Totals Proofed". Those that received a final proof of the county results will say "County Totals Proofed". County results will be proofed last.


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