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Elections Search Results

September 1992 Primary


Richard B. (Ornery Dick) ShortD84700.73%
Bob TharpR81030.70%
Mike The MoverIC66450.58%
Sally McQuownD311752.70%
Joe KingD964808.35%
Wayne MadsenD78600.68%
Kathleen WheelerSW60680.53%
Dan McDonaldR14405012.47%
Ken EikenberryR25855322.37%
Sid MorrisonR25041821.67%
Mike LowryD33778329.23%
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This database of election results is an ongoing project and users are reminded to frequently check for updates.

1900 - 1969 was added in March, 2011. All years, 1900 - 2006, are receiving a final proof, which will be indicated under the election name. Those elections that have received a final proof of state totals will say "State Totals Proofed". Those that received a final proof of the county results will say "County Totals Proofed". County results will be proofed last.


The Washington Office of Secretary of State is not responsible for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of this information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity who relies on any information obtained from the database does so at his or her own risk.