2016 Election Art Contest launched
After 14 years, our Elections Division’s annual Kids Art Contest is getting a makeover.
It isn’t just for kids anymore. The contest now allows anyone to participate. Previously, it was limited to only fourth- and fifth-graders. In addition to drawings, the contest now includes video submissions as an option.
“We’ve decided it was the right time to revamp the Art Contest, both in terms of age and what can be submitted,” explained Elections Director Lori Augino. “While we are specifically targeting 18-35-year-olds, the contest now is available to all ages. This will allow anyone a chance to submit an entry and share their ideas.”
Augino said adding videos allows the Elections Division to reach a new audience, both those who create the videos and those who view the videos on the web. Video entries should be short “because we know that attention spans are much shorter online,” Augino said.
Go here (insert contest link) for more information about the contest.
This year’s theme is “The Future is Yours.” Each entry must incorporate that theme. Contest submissions are due April 1. Unlike previous years, there won’t be a single contest winner this year, but many selections will be used for voter outreach efforts.
In the past, the contest’s winning artwork was featured in the statewide Voters’ Pamphlet that is distributed to each Washington household in October. Augino said some of the artwork submitted this year will be featured in other voter outreach material besides the Voters’ Pamphlet, possibly on posters, postcards, brochures and social media-website updates.
“We look forward to using some of the top entries in our voter outreach material this year,” said Secretary of State Kim Wyman. “We’re excited about widening the contest’s appeal and expanding how we feature the great new talent. The whole point is to attract more participants who can express ideas that will help spur more voter involvement in this year’s election.”
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