Capitol Kibbles
Budget-cutting, tax revolt and deeper unemployment -- Happy Days Aren't Here Again.
A few updates:
--The Senate Ways and Means Committee plans to crank out the Democrats' latest draft of a new two-year state budget Wednesday evening. The House counterparts have approved their own plan as House Bill 1244 and sometime next week, we should see a negotiated plan to deal with a $9 billion spending gap. One easy tracker for the budget plans is here. The Senate version is SB 5600.
--On Wednesday, federal tax deadline, Evergreen Freedom Foundation and other tax critics are holding a "Push Back, No New Taxes" rally at noon on the Capitol steps in Oly and at 4:30 p.m. at the Spokane Convention Center's outdoor breezeway. It's part of the Tax Day Tea Party movement nationally.
--It wasn't unexpected, but the state jobless rate has jumped to 9.2 percent, up nearly a full percentage point over a month ago. The state has shed nearly 100,000 jobs in the past year. It's expected to get worse before it gets better.
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