December 2012 WSL Training News
Discover free and inexpensive trainings available online and around the state; compiled by Jennifer Fenton, CE/Training Coordinator, Washington State Library
Featured Free Trainings:
Registration information for the below trainings and webinars is available at:
Washington State Library is pleased to offer the following FREE online training in December:
First Tuesdays: Exploring Washington Rural Heritage Digital Collections
December 4, 9:00-10:00 a.m. PT
Join us as Washington State Library's Evan Robb and Ross Fuqua provide an introduction to searching, browsing, and exploring Washington Rural Heritage, a digital repository for Washington's public libraries. The presentation will demonstrate advanced search functionality, website navigation, and integration of social media and collection visualization components. Presented by Evan Robb and Ross Fuqua, Washington State Library.
For these and many more free and low-cost trainings, visit the Washington State Library Training calendar which is constantly being updated, so check back frequently.
WebJunction Washington Courses (must be logged into WJ WA to view courses):
WebJunction has launched the new site; here is some information to help you understand the new WebJunction Washington. There are now two sites, the portal page which does not require a log-in and the course catalog which requires affiliation with Washington to access free courses. Courses are unlimited.
New portal website:
*Please note that the content has not yet been added, so it is a skeleton website at this time.
New Learning Management System for courses:
- Existing WJ WA members: To sign in, go
User ID: USERID; Password: WebJunction
Early registration for January WebJunction webinars is now open:
The Impact of an Ice Cream Sundae
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 ♦ 11 am Pacific ♦ 60 min
Early Registration:
What does an ice cream sundae have to do with library partnerships? Let’s pretend that your community organizations (school, academic, public and special libraries, and other local organizations) are your favorite kind of ice cream. Now let’s ladle your favorite toppings over the ice cream to represent the organizations’ resources, programs, personnel and funding. How can the ice cream “mix” with the toppings to be the most luscious dessert possible for the most people? When community organizations collaborate to share their resources with one another, they make the biggest possible impact on the most lives. Learn easy, understandable and powerful strategies that will give you renewed energy to create bold and imaginative collaborations among all types of community organizations.
Presented by: Kathy Jacobs, Director, Yankton (SD) Community Library
Creating a Culture of Innovation in your Library and Community
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 ♦ 10 am Pacific ♦ 60 min
Early Registration:
We hear about libraries that are leaders in innovation, implementing ideas that keep the library growing and vital. Perhaps you have watched from the sidelines and wished you could kickstart some innovation at your library, but you’re not sure where to start. Come to this webinar for an active and lively discussion on how to find innovative ideas, how to connect with the people to help make them happen, and how to get buy-in and support for your ideas. There is a lot to be learned from other libraries’ examples and experiences.
Presented by: Heather Braum, Digital & Technical Services Librarian at the Northeast Kansas Library System, blogger at, and 2010 Kansas Library Association's New Professional of the Year.
For many more free and low-cost trainings, visit the Washington State Library Training calendar which is constantly being updated, so check back frequently.
For more information on these and many more CE events, continue reading….
Training Opportunities in December 2012
For full information, please click on the link or visit
*Please note that all times are listed in PT on this list, some webinar registrations will reflect other time zones
12/3/2012: Makerspaces: A New Wave of Library Service
12/3/2012: Open Mic Night with Dr. Joyce Valenza!
12/4/2012: First Tuesdays
12/4/2012: Tech-Savvy Staff: Better Service for Library Users
12/4/2012: Create a Story and Tell it Too: Engaging Supporters with Online Video
12/4/2012: Reading is a Superpower! Comic Books, Graphic Novels, & Literacy
12/5/2012: Applying the 70:20:10 Enterprise Learning Model
12/5/2012: Branding yourself and your library career on LinkedIn
12/5/2012: It’s Not Just for Kids Anymore: Adult Summer Reading Programs
12/6/2012: How to Create Your Own Library (or Personal!) Knowledge Base.
12/6/2012: Assessing the Cloud for Nonprofits and Libraries
12/6/2012: Outreach Programs in Rural Communities: Simple Steps for Surprising Results
12/6/2012: Lerner Publishing Group Spring 2013 Librarian Preview Webinar
12/7/2012: Tech Tools With Tine: 1 Hour of Evernote
12/7/2012: Accessibility Handbook: Making 508-Compliant Websites
12/10/2012: Bozarthzone! Nuts and Bolts of Social Media
12/11/2012: Better Together: Tech Trainers Sharing Expertise
12/11/2012: Creating a Comprehensive and Engaging Volunteer Training Program
12/11/2012: Mobile Accessibility - The Status of Accessibility in Mobile Devices
12/12/2012: What Would Walt Do?: Quality Customer Service for Libraries
12/12/2012: Polite Debate Society
12/12/2012: Basic Graphic Design for Library Staff: Quick and Easy Solutions
12/12/2012: Perfect Phrases for Fundraising
12/13/2012: Making the Choice: Mobile Solutions for Your Library
**Please note that times and topics are subject to change and WSL is not responsible for non-WSL events. Please verify time and topic when registering. Also, new webinars are added to the training calendar throughout the month as time allows, so please check back. This is only a partial list of free CE Events available online.
Archived presentations:
Don’t have time to catch these courses live? Many are available later as an archived presentation. To view archives, visit the following sites:
Common Knowledge
School Library Journal
Tech Soup
Library Journal
SirsiDynix Institute
NCompass Live
Texas State Library
American Management Association
Carterette Series Webinars Archive: Georgia Library Association
* WSL provides information about outside training events for your convenience only; please contact the event sponsor for the most up-to-date information and all questions about the event.
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