One of our own receives military promotion



Patrick McDonald's ceremonial promotion to Army Sergeant Major drew dozens of friends, colleagues, three Washington secretaries of state, and officials of all three branches of government.

McDonald, who was assistant to then-Gov. John Spellman and legislators, has been a top official in the Secretary of State's executive office, handling everything from visitor protocol and bill-signings and proclamations, to international visits and the office facility needs. He is an expert on legislative and Capitol history. He is a graduate of St. Martin's University and The Evergreen State College and is a PhD candidate.

In his 20-plus years in the Army Reserves, he has risen through the ranks to E9, the highest enlisted position. Only a small percentage of reservists achieve this rank. He has served seven deployments, including twice to Iraq, where he helped establish the elections system.

McDonald also has been selected for a special training academy, the Army's Command Sergeants Major Course at Fort Bliss, Texas.

The ceremony was in the ornate State Reception Room in the Capitol. Secretary Kim Wyman and former Secretary Sam Reed made remarks. Former Secretary Ralph Munro, a longtime friend of McDonald's, was among the dignitaries who attended a reception that followed in Wyman's office.

Wyman and State Patrol Lt. Dale Alexander, McDonald's mentor and Command Sergeant Major, did the honors with affixing his rank epaulets on his shoulders and Jerri Honeyford of Sunnyside presented his service dress jacket.

Wyman praised McDonald's long service to the country, as well as to the Office of Secretary of State, in many capacities. Wyman has made outreach and voter services to the military a signature issue. She is the wife of an Army Ranger and first came to Washington state when the family moved to Fort Lewis. She told the gathering that she has a family member in each of the service branches and said with a laugh, "I love all of them the same!" She said her daughter, Renee, who heads to law school in the fall, aspires to become a JAG in the Marines.
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