A key anniversary for our State Seal



As state history buffs and many others know, this year marks the 125th anniversary of Washington reaching statehood in 1889.

Several key events that year led up to the historic date of November 11 when we became the 42nd state. Among those events happened on August 19 that year when the Constitutional Convention approved one of three designs for the State Seal. The convention members had trouble choosing the motto. They rejected “Our varied industries invite you,” “Westward the star of empire takes its way,” “Welcome,” “Put none but Americans on guard,” and “We the people rule.” Finally, the convention members approved a state seal design without a motto.

Last March, Secretary Wyman gladly received the original set of tools used by pioneer Olympia jewelers Charlies, George and Grant Talcott to design the State Seal 125 years ago. Descendants of the Talcotts joined Wyman, former secretaries Ralph Munro and Sam Reed and others for a brief ceremony in our office celebrating the transfer of the historic tools.

By law, the Secretary of State is the custodian of the State Seal, which is attached to official documents and certificates issued by the state. The original die and press for the State Seal are still used by the Secretary of State.

Go here for more history on the State Seal.
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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