Monster support for election reform



A new statewide poll out today from independent pollster Stuart Elway shows broad support for four election-reform bills being advanced by Secretary of State Sam Reed.

Included in this new wave of reform measures are ones dealing with later deadlines for voter registration; allowing Internet voting by military and overseas Washingtonians; requiring mail-in ballots to be received by the elections offices on Election Day, not just postmarked; and cleaning up the Top 2 Primary law, including clarifying party-preference labels.

Reed says he's "gratified and delighted" at the strong numbers from across Washington state and hopes they'll give a lift to legislation now moving through the state House and Senate...

Elway says most voters told him they want tough requirements for voters, but added that:
"On the other hand, large majorities favored each of four election reforms being pushed in the current legislative session by Secretary of State Sam Reed. ... In all, 97 percent of survey respondents supported at least one of these proposals and 59 percent supported at least 3 of 4."

His survey, taken among 405 registered voters between Jan. 22-25, carries a margin of error of plus or minus five percentage points.

The Elway Poll said 77 percent favor or strongly favor a measure to permit Internet voting by military and overseas voters, including Peace Corps members, missionaries and business people temporarily assigned abroad. The measure was opposed by 18 percent.

The Top 2 Primary changes, including a way to limit party-preference choices candidates may designate, were backed by 72 percent and opposed by 20 percent.

A plan to allow voter registration closer to Election Day, moving the in-person registration deadline to within eight days of Election, rather than 15 days out, was supported by 62 percent and opposed by 33 percent.

A measure to require mail-in ballots to be sent in by Election Day, and not merely postmarked that day, was backed by a supermajority of 60 percent and opposed by 36 percent.

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