Teen video contest almost over


If you’re a teen who likes making videos, here’s a chance to strut your cinematic stuff, possibly earn some prize money and help out libraries. But time is running out.

The State Library is a partner in the “2012 Teen Video Challenge.” Teens across the country are invited to create a 30-to-90-second public service announcement video that shows how reading and libraries can be a fun and important part of summertime for teens.

Here is how to take part in the contest, which ends March 9:
Go to "Own the Night" Teen Video Challenge 2012. Create a 30-90 second video that encourages teens to read and use libraries this summer. Include your interpretation of the 2012 CSLP teen slogan "Own the Night." Explore the "Resource for video creation" page for additional ideas and information. Entitle your video: "2012 TVC-WA-Unique Name." Please choose a unique name that does not include your real name (example: 2012 TVC-WA-J. Smith-Krpton123) Upload your video to YouTube.com or Vimeo.com. Fill out Model Release form and Entry form.

Mail completed forms by March 9 to:
2012 Teen Video Challenge
Washington State Library
6880 Capital Blvd S
PO Box 42460
Olympia, WA 98504

Each State Teen Video Challenge winner will receive a $275 award.
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