Here is chance to “GiveBIG” to WTBBL

(Photo courtesy of Washington Talking Book & Braille Library)
If you like the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library, here’s your chance to show your support.
WTBBL is taking part in The Seattle Foundation-sponsored program called GiveBIG. It is an opportunity for our patrons and friends to donate money to WTBBL during a 24-hour blitz Wednesday, May 2. In addition, gifts to WTBBL will be matched in proportion to the total percentage of gifts received that day.
To donate during this midnight-to-midnight effort, you need to use a credit card to give gifts through this secure website, WTBBL’s Seattle Foundation Page, which is the only place where you can donate. Here is the link to where you can make your gift. Just click on the Donate Now button.
The donations given throughout the day will help support WTBBL's many programs, including local braille and audio book productions. Your gifts will allow the award-winning library to produce more books, which means more braille and audio books in the hands and mailboxes of its patrons.
As a participating organization, WTBBL is also eligible to receive an additional $1,000 in random drawings throughout the day. The Seattle Foundation doesn’t take any of the funds…all money donated in WTBBL’s name goes to the library.
The Washington Talking Book & Braille Library’s mission is to build community and provide equal access to information and reading materials for Washington residents unable to read standard print.
WTBBL is part of the Washington State Library, a division of the Office of Secretary of State.
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