WA voters can get quick election results on iPhone and Android

Want to check out election results on the go?
This year you will be able to view them wherever you are with our office’s free Elections Results apps for iPhone and Android phones. These apps provide current vote totals for state, federal, legislative, and judicial offices, giving users a convenient way to stay up to date on their favorite races.
County elections departments begin tabulating ballots that have been received and processed shortly after close at 8 p.m. and within minutes you can start to view results.
“For a long time voters have been able to see election results on our agency website,” said Secretary of State Webmaster Matthew Edwards, who built the app. “We thought this would be a good way to provide more convenience and accessibility for people so it’s easier for them to track what’s going on.”
Edwards created the iPhone app for the 2010 elections. This year we are offering it for both iPhone and Android Phone users.
If you want to download the free app, it’s as simple as searching for “WA State Election Results” in the app store from your iPhone. You can also easily get it from iTunes, just click here. The Android app is available through Google Play and can be downloaded here.
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