Washington partners with Microsoft & Facebook on MyVote app

Now there's a Facebook app for reaching Washington's online voter registration tool and “MyVote” service.
The app was officially launched on Monday after already drawing considerable advance national attention as a fresh application of social media to draw attention to voter registration and information.
The state Elections Division worked with Facebook and Microsoft over the past year to create the new app, which will provide many unregistered Washington residents with a secure, convenient way to register while using Facebook.
The state estimates there are about 2 million potentially eligible citizens who are not registered. The deadline for online registration for the General Election is Oct. 8.
Secretary of State Sam Reed welcomed the new use of social media:
“The new MyVote app is an effective and user-friendly tool allowing people to register to vote and review useful voting information, all at their fingertips. It will make registering to vote easier, and it will save people time when they seek voting information.”
Reed recently touted the new service to his fellow secretaries of state.
Developed without public expense by Microsoft, and with input from Facebook, the new MyVote app provides one-click access from Facebook to the State of Washington Elections Division’s online voter registration tool and MyVote service. This service offers users access to personalized voter information, such as the candidates and measures on their ballots, where they can return ballots, their ballot status, and contact information for their elected officials.
Reed said the new app will amplify voter outreach naturally via Facebook friends.
Select user’s Facebook profile information can be transferred to the MyVote system with the user’s permission. Facebook users may choose to “like” or “recommend” the app to their friends, helping to expand the use of online registration and spread the word about the services available through MyVote. Facebook is not collecting information the user submits to MyVote.
The MyVote app can be found on Reed’s Facebook page, the Washington State Elections Division’s Facebook page and on the Elections Division website.
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