Hooray for Digital Archives!


Congratulations to our Digital Archives for making Family Tree Magazine's “101 Best Websites of 2012.”

Secretary of State Sam Reed said it's a great honor for the Digital Archives team. The Digital Archives, housed on the campus of Eastern Washington University in Cheney, was one of earliest and best digital archives in the country and frequently gets visitors from around the world. The facility opened in 2004.

Jerry Handfield, the State Archivist, called the shout-out "a testament to the passion of every memeber of the Digital Archives team, the decision of Archives and Records management and staff, the cooperation of our local government partners and contributions from our many volunteers."

Family Tree, considered one of the most popular genealogy magazines, says in the September edition:
“A digitization pioneer, this superb state website lets you search nearly 30 million records by names, keywords or any combination of record series, county and title. Among the total of 100 million genealogical and historical records here are indexes to 347 cemeteries, vital records, censuses, naturalizations and land records” (page 23).

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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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