New section launched on voter page for FAQs

Our Elections Division has just made voting even easier by launching new website information explaining how voters can accomplish tasks that election staffers are frequently asked about.
Links to the information can be found here under “I need to” on the Voters section of the Secretary of State’s Elections and Voting web page. The Voters section also contains information to help special status voters under the subsection “I am a…”
Voter Education and Outreach Coordinator JulieAnne Behar calls the additions to the voters page a way to provide easy access to voting information. “The information is intended to help voters by giving them easy access to instructions about how to accomplish common tasks we receive frequent questions on.”
Here’s a list of the FAQ and helpful answers provided:
I need to update my voter registration address.
You can update your residential and/or mailing address online with MyVote. If you do not have a Washington State driver license or ID, you can also update your address by mail or with your county elections department.
I need to change my name on my voter registration.
You will need to file a new registration using your new name, even if you are already registered to vote. Please notify your county elections department of the change to cancel your former registration. You can change your name online with MyVote if you have a Washington State driver license or ID in your new name. If you do not, you can also change your name by mail.
Register to vote, but do not have a WA driver license.
You can register by mail or in person with your county elections department using the last four digits of your Social Security number.
Get help because I missed a deadline.
For help after a deadline, contact your county elections department.
Request a voter registration card.
To request a voter registration wallet card, contact your county elections department. Please note that not all counties produce voter registration cards, as they are not necessary for Washington’s vote by mail system.
Request a state voters' pamphlet.
Go online and log in to MyVote to view a personalized voters’ guide under “my candidates & ballot measures.” All you need to log in is your name and date of birth. A printed state general election voters’ pamphlet is sent to every household in Washington. If you need a replacement, please contact the Office of the Secretary of State. The state usually does not print a primary voters’ pamphlet. Please note that many counties do not produce a printed local voters' pamphlet. Many counties do offer an online voters' guide with local information. Please contact your county elections department for more information.
Request a ballot.
A ballot is mailed to every registered Washington State voter. Contact your county elections department to request a ballot or to make voting arrangements as an overseas citizen, military voter, seasonal resident, or voter with a disability. You can also print a replacement ballot online with MyVote under “MyBallot.”
Drop off my ballot.
Contact your county elections department for ballot drop box locations in your area. Many counties also offer this information when you log in to MyVote under “ballot drop boxes & voting centers.”
Cancel my voter registration.
To cancel your voter registration, contact your county elections department. You will need to provide a signed cancellation form.
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