Here's your WA 2012 Election-at-a-glance


Secretary of State Reed and the state Elections Division are producing scads of useful voter information, including a cool online Voters' Guide and, in partnership with TVW, a Video Voters' Guide You always can find your custom-tailored voter guide by logging onto MyVote. And in mid-October, you'll have the official Voters' Pamphlet (and possibly county-sponsored guides as well) arriving in your mailbox.

And today, Reed and the Elections crew put out a handy-dandy one-pager Election-at-a-Glance for you. Print it out, tape it to the fridge or mail it around ...

And, of course, make sure you're registered (use MyVote to register by Oct. 8 or to update your address/name) -- and vote when the ballot arrives next month!
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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