Bremerton Wants Charleston to Annex, (Like the Wolf and Lamb)
[caption id="attachment_8489" align="alignleft" width="395" caption="Railroad Commissioner's Map of Washington (1910)"]
"'Everybody loves a lover.' The sweet unselfish persistence of our Bremerton lover is a sight to tickle the angels-- in hades, --but it does not excite even surprise in Charleston; we are surprised tho' that Bremerton should assume that we have more suckers this year than last.--and such suckers! That man has used his thinker to mighty little purpose who does not instinctively shy and look to the safety of his pocket book when the confidence man comes with tears in his voice, pleading to him a great gain at the givers loss." [caption id="attachment_8488" align="alignright" width="329" caption="E.D. Duff's General Store Ad"]