Saturday is last day for mail-in WA voter registration

Two important deadlines are fast approaching for anyone wanting to register to vote in this fall’s important General Election. Ballots go in the mail by Oct. 19, and you don't want to be left out, Secretary of State Sam Reed said today. Saturday, Oct. 6, is the last day to postmark registrations that are mailed in. Normally, Oct. 8 would be the last day for mail-in registrations before this year’s General Election, but this year, Oct. 8 falls on Columbus Day, a federal holiday. That means no post offices are open and no postal service is available that day. Go here to access a voter registration form that you can print out. Oct. 8 is the last day for online voter registrations or updates. You can go to the MyVote online feature to register to vote or update your address or registration status. For those who have never registered to vote in Washington, you can also register in person at your county elections office. Oct. 29 is the in-person deadline for new registrations. For more information about the General Election, go to the Elections Division website.