Remembering Harris McClaskey

From the desk of Rand Simmons

Washington State Library remembers former staff Harris Clark McClaskey who died September 21, 2012 at his home in Ocean Park, Washington. Born in Trenton, NJ, Harris received his BA degree from Wooster College (OH), attended Princeton Theological Seminary (NJ), then turned to librarianship, earning his MA and PhD from the University of Washington.


Harris Clark McClaskey

McClaskey worked for 20 years at the Washington State Library. Former State Librarian Maryan E. Reynolds described McClaskey in her seminal work, The Dynamics of Change: A History of the Washington State Library.

In the 1960's the State Library agreed to facilitate a Washington Library Film Circuit and McClaskey was appointed its director in 1962. During Governor Rosellini's administration, and working with Dr. Garret Heyns head of the State's Institutions, McClaskey designed what is known today as Institutional Library Services. Despite devastating budget cuts Washington State Library still provides library services in the State's psychiatric hospitals and maximum security facilities. While working on his PhD at the University of Washington Library School McClaskey developed a bibliotherapy program working with residents of Western State Hospital. The State Library has three of McClaskey's publications including his University of Washington PhD thesis.

Former State Librarian Jan Walsh noted, "This man was an amazing personality. He remained interested in the State Library. When Governor Locke proposed closing the library, Harris called me and told me of his support for the State Library. He once stopped at my brother's house to tell him how honored he should be to have a State Librarian in his family. (My brother called me to tell me he was highly amused!) Harris also created wonderful Christmas cards and letters that he sent to friends and acquaintances. With Mary Ann Reynolds, Dorothy Doyle, Dorothy Cutler and Harris McClaskey, WSL had some formidable staff."

After 15 years implementing programs through the Washington State Library focusing on serving the underserved, Harris joined the graduate school faculty at the University of Minnesota to teach and mentor students for work in public and medical libraries, especially sharing his love for children's literature, book illustration and story-telling.

After 20 years in Minnesota, Harris returned to Washington to be near his daughter and pursue his artistic interests. You can read more about Harris McClaskey's years in Minnesota at the Star Tribune article cited below.


Star Tribune, September 30, 2012, Obituary: Harris Clark McClaskey.

Maryan E. Reynolds. The dynamics of change : a history of the Washington State Library / Maryan E. Reynolds, with Joel Davis. Pullman, Wash. : Washington State University Press, c2001.
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