SecReed tours Central Wash. counties

Before his final year in office began, Secretary Reed vowed to visit all 39 counties in Washington in 2012. After this week’s trip to Central Washington, he has completed his final visit as Secretary of State to all but four five counties.
Reed toured Chelan and Douglas counties Monday and Tuesday, visiting both county courthouses and meeting with local officials and supporters. He also spoke Tuesday morning to the Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club before heading south to the Columbia Gorge region to visit Klickitat and Skamania counties, which included two more courthouse stops and various meetings with officials and friends.
In the photo above, Reed and Klickitat County Auditor Brenda Sorensen stand outside the county courthouse in Goldendale.
An ardent history buff, Reed also visited several museums during his three-day trip to the other side of the Cascades.
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