Amor de Cosmos Juggles a Sour Grass Steak in Kalama
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An Eccentric Character Now Lying at Death's Door in Victoria.
His Remarkable Performance With a Tough Beefsteak at a Kalama Hotel -- Member Parliament.
"The Hon. Amor de Cosmos, one of the first members British Columbia sent to the Dominion parliament, is very ill at his home in Victoria. The forty-niners of California will best recall him under the name of John Smith, an American, who was something of a globe-trotter, and who was the hero of many adventures. He grew to be 'well fixed' while sojourning at the Golden gate, and to wear an expensive white shirt front about which a heavy gold chain meandered in connection with a flowing beard and locks that would put those of the Poet-Scout Crawford to the blush." "Comparative wealth spoiled him, and he sickened of the ancient family name of John Smith, so he sent a bill to the
