Last day to vote in Feb. special election

Are you forgetting to do something this week? No, we're not talking about ordering flowers or another gift for that special someone for Valentine's Day (although, if you did forget that as well, you're welcome for the reminder). No, we're checking to see if you remembered to vote.
If you’re one of the voters who can take part it in the February special election, you need to return your ballot by 8 p.m. tonight if you haven’t already. We encourage you to play it safe by placing your filled out ballot inside a secure ballot drop box (and no postage required!) provided by your county. To find out where your county has ballot drop box locations, go here to view this state map and then click on your county.
For those of you choosing to mail back your ballot, remember that it has to be postmarked by today (Feb. 12) in order for your vote to count, so make sure you get your ballot to the post office before the postmark time. And don’t forget that it now costs 46 cents for a stamp to mail back your ballot.
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