Sid Snyder book launch draws Olympia movers & shakers

Bette Snyder receives a standing ovation during book launch event honoring her husband, Sid.
As a state senator, he was known for bringing together people from both parties and earning their respect and admiration. A launch event for a new book about Sid Snyder showed that the Senate legend can still attract people from both sides of the aisle.
Nearly 100 people, including former Governor Dan Evans, the late Snyder’s former Senate colleagues, former and current legislative staffers, lobbyists and 19th Legislative District constituents, gathered in the Capitol’s State Reception Room for the event, which was covered by TVW .
The book is entitled “Across the Aisles: Sid Snyder’s Remarkable Life in Groceries & Government,” written by Jeff Burlingame. The Snyder biography is jointly produced by The Legacy Project in the Office of Secretary of State and the Legislative Oral History Project.
Marty Brown, the longtime Olympia veteran who served as secretary of the Senate and later as budget director under former Governors Locke and Gregoire, emceed the event and shared some good stories about the popular Snyder. Speakers included Secretary of State Kim Wyman, John C. Hughes, chief historian of The Legacy Project, current secretary of the Senate Hunter Goodman, Burlingame and Sid Snyder Jr.
Senator Jim Hargrove, whose 24th District bordered Snyder’s 19th District, spoke fondly about his former colleague. Snyder’s successor as the 19th District’s senator, Brian Hatfield, shared warm memories about being Snyder’s legislative aide and House seatmate.
Snyder’s widow, Bette, received a standing ovation when she rose to speak, and she drew laughter when she read aloud a humorous poem she wrote about caring for Sid after he underwent hip-replacement surgery.
The book launch event preceded a joint legislative session in the Senate chamber to remember former legislators who died in the two years, including Snyder, who passed away last October at age 86.
The book is available for purchase ($25) in the State Seal store, located in the Office of Secretary of State on the second floor of the Legislative Building and online. It will be available to buy at next week. It was printed with private funds. A free electronic version is available online on The Legacy Project website.
Author Jeff Burlingame signs copies of his new book about Sid Snyder.
In 1949, Snyder began his 53-year run at the Capitol, starting as an elevator operator. He later worked in and supervised the bill room, served as assistant chief clerk of the House and as Secretary of the Senate, the top administrative post.
In 1990, Snyder became the 19th District’s senator following the death of Arlie DeJarnatt (D-Longview). Snyder served as Democratic Caucus chair, Senate majority leader and Senate minority leader. After leaving the Senate in 2002, Snyder continued to work at his Seaview grocery store well into his 80s.
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