Limburger Fiend Raises a Stink in Colfax
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How a Colfax Lawyer had Probably Been Cured of a Bad Habit
"Some fiend incarnate, during the past two weeks, has introduced within the city limits of Colfax, a cargo of that nauseating and marrow-searching article, Limburger cheese. While some persons may fancy this kind of edible as a dainty luxury, or even as a daily diet (from whom the Lord deliver us) others have not the fortitude to eat that which, even should their palate hanker for, their nose will tell them every time it is too utterly unfit to feed to an obnoxious mother-in-law. It is strong enough to lift the mortgage off a 40-acre farm, and as for smell, it would put a skunk or dead horse to the blush. It is said that a buzzard after inflating itself with carrion, will turn its head to windward in order to get away from its own breath. Buzzards are a notch ahead of the Limburger fiend in the scale of common decency. The latter not only has no care for his own nasal organ, but will go about

"W.----, who until now, had forgotten all about leaving the brown paper on the table, and on glancing there had seen it when the above query was propounded, from motives of discretion did not choose to follow the example of the illustrious G.W., and replied that the origin of the smell was a mystery to him, and went back to his former seat and occupation, as also did his partner. The latter, though, seemed to be in a sort of brown study, and the pen lay inactive behind his ear. All at once his eyes brightened up, and casting a hurried look at W.----'s feet, which were in their former position, he said in a voice full of fatherly advice and patronage."
