Registration deadlines loom for April election

What, another election? Yep. Many Washington voters took part in a special election last month, but there is another election, ending April 23, that affects about a tenth of the voters.
If the April election affects you but you haven’t registered to vote and want to vote next month, you can mail in your registration or register online, but the deadline to register either way is Monday, March 25. For those of you who are not registered to vote anywhere in Washington, you have until April 15 to register in person at your county elections department.
The April special election mostly features school levy and bond measures. Twenty-one counties have an April election, affecting 35 voting districts. Nearly 371,000 voters (about 9.5 percent of Washington’s active registered voters) are eligible to take part in an election next month.
To learn if your county is holding a special election, click on this map and then click on your county.
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