Washington Libraries Lead in eBook Circulation

OverDrive, one of the most popular public library eBook and eAudiobook vendors, recently announced its "Library eBook Leaders" for 2012. Two Washington libraries ranked in the top 5!
King County Library System (KCLS) was Number 1 in eBook and other digital title circulation, with Seattle Public Library (SPL) not far behind, in the Number 4 spot. Here's a listing of the top 5, with the circ numbers:
1. King County Library System, Wash. (1.3 million checkouts)
2. New York Public Library (1.1 million checkouts)
3. Toronto Public Library (900,000 checkouts)
4. Seattle Public Library (850,000 checkouts)
5. Hennepin County Library, Minn. (750,000 checkouts)
Congratulations to KCLS & SPL for leading the North American continent in eBook circulation!