Connect with Your Library: A Mobile app for Washington



The Washington State Library is delighted to announce a $200,000 grant from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation which, in combination with Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds, will develop a mobile application or "app" to connect patrons with their libraries. Libraries that sign up by Friday, April 19, 2013, will have the opportunity to be in the initial phase of implementation.

LSTA funds will pay for development costs of a mobile app for academic, public, and tribal libraries to connect individuals with the library's online services. Two statewide apps, one for academic libraries and one for public libraries, will be developed. The Allen Foundation funds will pay for public and tribal libraries to use and test the application for the year 2014. Academic libraries will need to pay the subscription fee themselves. Allen Foundation Funds will also pay for a state wide internet PR campaign to publicize the application's availability.

After the completion of a formal procurement process, and with the advice of an advisory committee, Boopsie was selected as the vendor for this project. Boopsie currently supplies a similar app to the Seattle Public Library (as shown in the image) and to the King County Library System, as well as having provided a similar statewide implementation in the State of Virginia.

More information, including a listing of app features and the Intent to Participate Form can be found at: Questions? Contact Carolyn Petersen [email protected], 360.570.5560, or Will Stuivenga [email protected], 360.704.5217.
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