SNAPSHOT: A Day in the Life of the Washington State Library
[caption id="attachment_10783" align="alignright" width="300"]
Local author Kevin O'Brien spoke at the Washington Talking Book and Braille Library for Library Snapshot Day.[/caption]
On Thursday, April 18, 2013 the Washington State Library participated in Washington Library Snapshot Day--a statewide effort to promote the important work libraries do every day. We collected usage statistics, customer comments, and photographs depicting everyday activities at the Washington State Library, its 17 branches, and the Washington Talking Book and Braille Library.
On Library Snapshot Day, the Washington State Library, including its branches throughout the state:
- Was open for business for a total of 77.5 hours.
- Answered 509 reference questions.
- Was visited by 841 patrons (in-person).
- Received 1,151 unique visitors to its website.
- Circulated 3,453 items.
- Provided 72 individual sessions to persons needing to use computers or access the Internet.
- Mailed out 77 items for interlibrary loan.

- Washington library patrons asked 121 questions using the Ask-WA virtual reference service; libraries across the state answered 115 questions from around the world.
- Our Digital Collections and Resources received 2,744 visits.
- WSL and WTBBL each hosted local author programs, seeing a total of 70 attendees.
- The Washington Talking Book and Braille Library saw 99.75 volunteer hours for the day.