College Civics tour: Kim heads to WSU


Kim and the WSU Council

(Photos courtesy of JulieAnne Behar)

Secretary Wyman continued her statewide College Civics tour with a trip east to Pullman to Washington State University.

Wyman and state Elections Director Lori Augino (center upper row, above) met with members of WSU's Panhellenic Council to discuss the importance of voting and being involved with the campus and the needs of the community.

Wyman and Augino gave tips on finding great, convenient voter information and how to register online via and the services of MyVote. They also noted that the women are already campus leaders and can look forward to using their skills to lead their communities as volunteers, interns, business and non-profit leaders, parents, and running for office themselves.

Later, Wyman spoke at the President's Leadership Awards ceremony, honoring outstanding student activists and mentors. Wyman was delighted to receive the award herself, as well. She is pictured below with Melanie Brown, Director of the Center for Civic Engagement at WSU and President Elson Floyd.

Wyman said her first visit to the Pullman campus was outstanding and inspiring.

Wyman will continue the College Civics tour with visits to 14 more campuses May 6-8.


Kim with WSU President Floyd

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