Comedy Works in Threes
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From the desk of Steve Willis, Central Library Services Program Manager of the Washington State Library:
Somewhere long ago I read a quote from the late great Larry Fine, the "Stooge in the Middle" of the always underestimated Three Stooges. He said something to the effect that real comedy always works in threes. Either in timing, or in personalities. Library cataloger's note: I wonder if this where the AACR2 "rule of three" came from-- a Stooges fan in the rulemaking woodwork?
The following story is certainly a candidate for Larry Fine's Rule of Three. In fact, one figure in this story is even called an "amateur comedian." The microfilm reel grabbed at random this week unearthed this story from The Seattle Daily Times, Feb. 2, 1907:JOHN ANDREW NINK ARRESTED
Well-Known Character's Attempt to Whip Joe Schlumpf Ends Disastrously for Himself and Ally, Matt Dee.
Latter Offered $20 to Pummel the Cigar Merchant and Lands on His Head in the Middle of the Sidewalk. "John Andrew Nink, for many years a familiar figure on the streets of Seattle, faultlessly dressed in silk hat and fashionable black clothing, a striking contrast to his snow white hair and mustache, spent the greater part of last night in the receiving cell of the city jail, all because he wanted to whip Joe Schlumpf, the cigar merchant." "John Andrew Nink, a good judge of beer, a gentleman of leisure and a man with a notoriety that many persons would not be fond of, was shocked when Jailer John Corbett began to search him, just as he would any other prisoner." "'Why, it's an outrage,' declared the gentlemanly John Andrew Nink. 'I'll not stand for it. I've got enough money to buy you all and sell you again. Lock me up in jail? Well, I guess not.'" "'If you've got $20 bail money to insure your appearance in court to answer a charge of being drunk and disorderly, I'll let
Hires Man to Whip Schlumpf.
"The gentleman prisoner had a grievance against Joe Schlumpf. He wanted to whip Joe but the big German cigar merchant looked too stately for Nink. He believed in nerving himself and therefore took on a few glasses of tonic. Then he met Matt Dee, a West Seattle man, who has figured in more rows in the last few years than he has fingers and toes. Nink told Dee his troubles. Dee sympathized with him and offered to help him." "'I'll give you $20 if you'll whip Schlumpf for me,' said Nink." "Matt Dee used to have plenty of money and there was a time when $20 wouldn't tempt him, but when he saw $20 coming so easily he took up the proposition. Nink and Dee had a few more drinks and Dee started for Joe Sclumpf's cigar store in the Butler Block." "'What you been a doin' to Nink?' angrily demanded Matt Dee of Joe Schlumpf." "There was no answer. Dee looked at Joe and Joe looked at Dee." "'Well, I've come over here to give you a lickin',' said Dee as he started for the show case."
Gay With a Policeman.
"'Are you a policeman?' asked Nink, who was probably unable to see Dolphin's uniform and his star." "'Well, I make a noise like one,' responded Dolphin." "There was no more parleying. A wagon call was sent in and Nink went to jail in the private conveyance furnished at the expense of the city." "About four years ago Nink was shot in the back while walking along Second Avenue near Union Street. For weeks he was in the hospital and for a time it was thought he would die. It was ascertained beyond all question that a young man had shot Nink because the latter had interfered in family affairs. Nink refused to prosecute and no arrest was made." "Nink says he is an insurance agent, but so far as the police know he has not increased business perceptibly in Seattle." [caption id="attachment_10817" align="aligncenter" width="590"]