Patriotism in every stitch


Qulit Hanging

Currently being hung in the Secretary of State’s lobby in the State Capitol are 13 “Quilts of Valor”. Each quilt has been beautifully handmade by residents of Washington and will be proudly displayed for the month of July.

The lobby is being transformed to a patriotic display of red, white, and blue. The project is part of the Quilts of Valor program that has awarded over 80,000 quilts to veterans and current service members affected by war. These quilts bring color to the Office of the Secretary of State, much like the foundation's project does to bring color and comfort to the wounded warriors.

The detailed quilt shown on the right side of the photo above represents a celebration of family and home completed by Judy Hensley of Centralia and Linda Schmitt of Olympia.

While stitching her quilt, pictured at the left in the photo, Mari Woody of Burien has intended for the star and stripe detail to show her family’s support for the tireless actions of our military personnel who give us the freedom we love and cherish.

The Secretary of State is excited to share the free Quilts of Valor exhibit to the public and welcomes all to appreciate the service, sacrifice, and valor of both the creators and recipients of these quilts. The free exhibit’s opening ceremony will be Tuesday, July 2, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Office of the Secretary of State’s front lobby. The public is invited.

While some of the 13 quilts are already promised to specific recipients, our staff will award at least five of them to veterans at the opening ceremony. For more information about the event, call (360) 902-4126.
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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