Secretary Wyman: Leadership tips & encouragement

(Photo courtesy of Lindsay Pryor.)
Secretary of State Kim Wyman enjoyed leading a seminar at the Youth Leadership Institute this week, encouraging students with disabilities to contribute and get engaged in the political process as voters, leaders and civic activists. Never give in to discouragement or being discounted, she told about 30 students from across Washington who gathered at the Longhouse at The Evergreen State College.
Wyman regaled her audience with stories of her own unlikely rise to becoming Washington's only woman statewide executive official. The unpredictable often happens, and there are many ways to achieve a goal and to be effective, she said. She urged the group of recent high school graduates and continuing students to follow their passions and not just worry about getting rich. Find what you're good at and be your best, she advised, adding, "There is no ONE path."
Be willing to fail, epically; listen more than you talk; and learn the power of collaboration, Wyman advised. When you are underestimated, prove the world wrong, she said.
Wyman said registering and voting are good foundational steps to take. She noted that her State Elections Division has tips for voters with disabilities. Staffer Cristina Labra assists state and county election departments upgrade services to voters with disabilities, she said.
Wyman, who ran elections and was Auditor for Thurston County before winning statewide office last November, noted that Washington votes by mail, over the course of nearly three weeks, and that online registration is permitted. Counties also offer the option of using accessible equipment that allows voters with disabilities to vote with privacy and independence, Wyman said.
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