OCLC ILL Migration Reminder

It’s that time again! Summer is coming to a close and summer reading programs are winding down. With the conclusion of summer programming, this is the perfect time to start thinking about your library’s transition from WorldCat® Resource Sharing to WorldShare® Interlibrary Loan.
WorldShare Interlibrary Loan delivers new and expanded functionality that supports evolving workflow changes such as the option to purchase needed materials instead of borrow them. The service’s interoperation with other applications, such as the display of lender costs from the OCLC Policies Directory and display of item availability from a library’s ILS will be supported by the new WorldShare Platform.
It is important to get a jump start on your transition, so your staff can take advantage of the many training opportunities available. On November 25th, libraries will no longer be able to initiate new requests in WorldCat Resource Sharing, in preparation for the end of access on January 3, 2014. Library staff can learn all about WorldShare Interlibrary Loan workflows with live online training: sos.wa.gov/q/ILL-Train, tutorials: sos.wa.gov/q/ILL-Tutorials, and documentation: sos.wa.gov/q/ILL-docs.
Don’t hesitate, participate! Now is the time to start your transition.
You can read more about WorldShare Interlibrary Loan on the OCLC ILL migration site: sos.wa.gov/q/OCLC-ILL. Questions? Contact Will Stuivenga: [email protected] 360.704.5217 or toll free 866.538.4996 or visit sos.wa.gov/q/WayfinderNews for more information and links.
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