Capsule Keepers meet again, 24 years later



Capsule Keepers gather for a photo near the Centennial Time Capsule in the Legislative Building. (Photos courtesy of Benjamin Helle)

The original Capsule Keepers from 1989 gathered Tuesday in the Capitol Rotunda where they opened the Centennial Time Capsule for the first time in 24 years.

There originally were 300 Capsule Keepers in 1989. They are being asked to help begin the process of planning what will go into the time capsule on Nov. 11, 2014, the state's 125th birthday. Several of them were on hand for Tuesday's reunion and meeting.

Capsule project architect Knute Berger and Capsule Keeper and board chair Jen Estroff welcomed fellow Capsule Keepers and guests to the ceremony. They began the event by opening the capsule doors, which was followed by roaring applause from the audience.

From there, Assistant Secretary of State Ken Raske recited the oath to the Capsule Keepers that could attend. The oath was a promise that the Keepers of the Capsules would help pass on their responsibilities to the next generation of Keepers:

“We hereby swear to insure the continuity of these capsules, to watch and ward over the past, present, and future heritage of the State of Washington contained herein, and to pass our responsibility on to the next generation of Keepers of the Capsule.”



Capsule Keeper board chair Jen Estroff (right) talks to other Capsule Keepers while Assistant Secretary of State Ken Raske (left) and Stephanie Horn hold the 2014 capsule.

Following the oath was a meeting where the board members decided on the next steps for their group. The year to come is sure to be a big one for the Capsule Keepers as they begin to fill the capsule for 2014 and choose a new group of children to take the oath next November.

The 2014 capsule is on display in the lobby of the Office of Secretary of State for the next year for the public to see. The larger capsule, containing the 1989 capsule and (now) 14 others, is on display near the south-end doors of the Legislative Building.
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