Philippines typhoon relief: Give wisely!

The widespread devastation caused by typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines last weekend has left an estimated 600,000 displaced and needing relief now.
Many Washingtonians are looking for ways to donate money or goods to help victims. But before you give, the Office of Secretary of State wants to make sure you check out a charity fully before you donate!
Unfortunately, there are plenty of unscrupulous people who use tragedy as a chance to scam generous people of their money.
If you are solicited to help victims in the Philippines, make sure it’s an organization registered here in Washington. Any group that fundraises in the state must register with our Charities Program. You can check our online database here.
Some quick tips for wise giving: Always ask questions, verify the information, and don’t be fooled even if the name sounds like a real charity or cause.
More information about wise giving here.
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