Another award for WTBBL



WTBBL Program Manager Danielle Miller holding The One World Award. (Photo courtesy of WTBBL)

The Washington Talking Book & Braille Library in Seattle is one of our office’s crown jewels, and for good reason. It provides wonderful service to thousands of people in our state who are unable to read standard print material.

WTBBL and its program manager, Danielle Miller, received another kudo when the Washington Council of the Blind presented Miller with The One World Award last weekend during the WCB’s convention.

Says Miller of the honor:
“This is really nice on many levels, most of all because it comes from one of the largest organizations of the blind in Washington, and they are truly our patrons and advocates.”

The award reads:
“To Danielle and her staff who go beyond the call of duty so that our award winning library provides accessible reading materials with extra events, exemplifying the spirit of the One World Award.”

WTBBL is part of the Washington State Library, a division of the Office of Secretary of State. Secretary Wyman said the latest honor is a real tribute to the staff, as well as the army of hundreds of volunteers. The program is considered one of the finest in America, she said Friday.
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