Teen video contest underway

Know any teenagers who love making videos? Do you have a son or daughter who aspires to be the next Steven Spielberg or Kathryn Bigelow? There’s a contest happening right now that’s perfect for them.
It’s the 2014 Teen Video Challenge, a national video competition for teens to get involved with reading and their public library’s summer reading program.
Here’s how it works: Contestants create a video 30 to 90 seconds long that encourages teens to read and use libraries this summer. Entrants need to include their interpretation of this year’s contest slogan, “Spark a Reaction.”
Go here to learn more about the state contest, download a contest entry form, learn what to include in a video, where to upload the completed video and how to send in a completed entry form. Contestants need to send in their completed forms by March 7. Any Washington teen or group of teens ages 13-18 may enter.
The contest is being held by the Collaborative Summer Library Program. The Washington State Library is a partner in the annual contest.
One individual or group will be selected as Washington’s Teen Video Challenge winner and receive a $275 award. The library listed on the entry form will receive from CSLP and a $25 gift certificate for Upstart products. The winner(s) will be notified in April.
In addition, the Washington video winner and all notable Teen Video Challenge entries from our state will be available on the Washington Summer Reading Program page.
The Washington State Library is a division of the Office of Secretary of State.
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