Declaring support for libraries



Librarians staff a table inside the Legislative Building where people signed the Declaration for the Right to Libraries. (Photo courtesy of Gracelin Moore)

Unlike the Founding Fathers in 1776, the people signing this declaration aren’t wearing wigs. They’re supporters of libraries.

As part of Library Legislative Day, librarians gathered signatures from legislators and others for a Declaration for the Right to Libraries. Go here to see what the declaration says. The library declaration is a joint project of the Washington Library Media Association, the Washington Library Association and the Washington State Library, a division of the Office of Secretary of State.

About 85 librarians from throughout Washington came to Olympia Friday to talk with legislators about the importance of providing library services to Washingtonians.

Earlier, Secretary of State Kim Wyman joined Gov. Jay Inslee and Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn in jointly signing the declaration before a group of local students, teacher-librarians and library officials.
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