Celebrate Teen Literature Day!
From the desk of Kathryn Devine

Every year, the Thursday of National Library Week, April 17th this year, is set aside as Teen Literature Day.
Check out these teen books at the Washington State Library.
Meet Hannah West—smart, resilient, slightly sarcastic, and sometimes too
nosy for her own good.

She’s a young Seattleite whose favorite pastimes include watching the Crime Network, Law & Order, Monk, Columbo, or any mystery show really.
All of which provide a solid education when she tries to untangle her first real mystery in her own (temporary) home in Hannah West in the Belltown Towers.
Not to give too much away—but there are missing paintings, a ubiquitous bike messenger, and a shady artist who may be involved.
This is a fun read peppered with references to Seattle locations and culture.
Linda Johns, author and librarian at the Seattle Public Library, has created a wonderful character to spend some time with.

You can follow Hannah’s other adventures, all set in the Seattle area:
Hannah West in Deep Water (2006)
Hannah West in the Center of the Universe (2007)
Hannah West on Millionaire’s Row (2007)
Here are a few other series for teens, also at the Washington State Library.

Dear America
1. West to a Land of Plenty
2. Across the wide and lonesome prairie: the Oregon Trail Diary
3. The Fences Between Us (Kirby Larson)
Carl Deuker Sports fiction for Teens

1. On the Devil’s Court (1988)
2. Painting the black (1997)
3. Night hoops (2000)
4. High Heat (2003)
5. Runner (2005)
6. Gym Candy (2007)
7. Payback Times (2010)
Come and visit us, or browse the catalog, if you’re looking for teen fiction written in or about the Pacific Northwest.
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Every year, the Thursday of National Library Week, April 17th this year, is set aside as Teen Literature Day.
Check out these teen books at the Washington State Library.
Meet Hannah West—smart, resilient, slightly sarcastic, and sometimes too
nosy for her own good.

She’s a young Seattleite whose favorite pastimes include watching the Crime Network, Law & Order, Monk, Columbo, or any mystery show really.
All of which provide a solid education when she tries to untangle her first real mystery in her own (temporary) home in Hannah West in the Belltown Towers.
Not to give too much away—but there are missing paintings, a ubiquitous bike messenger, and a shady artist who may be involved.
This is a fun read peppered with references to Seattle locations and culture.
Linda Johns, author and librarian at the Seattle Public Library, has created a wonderful character to spend some time with.

You can follow Hannah’s other adventures, all set in the Seattle area:
Hannah West in Deep Water (2006)
Hannah West in the Center of the Universe (2007)
Hannah West on Millionaire’s Row (2007)
Here are a few other series for teens, also at the Washington State Library.

Dear America
1. West to a Land of Plenty
2. Across the wide and lonesome prairie: the Oregon Trail Diary
3. The Fences Between Us (Kirby Larson)
Carl Deuker Sports fiction for Teens

1. On the Devil’s Court (1988)
2. Painting the black (1997)
3. Night hoops (2000)
4. High Heat (2003)
5. Runner (2005)
6. Gym Candy (2007)
7. Payback Times (2010)
Come and visit us, or browse the catalog, if you’re looking for teen fiction written in or about the Pacific Northwest.
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