Honoring state workers who go the Extra Mile



Gov. Inslee (left) and Secretary of State Wyman (right) with members of the Department of Transportation's GeoMetrix team. (Photo courtesy of Stephanie Horn)

Secretary of State Wyman has joined Gov. Inslee in recognizing more than 30 Washington state employees at the Extra Mile Awards ceremony at the Capitol.

“So many of our state employees give 100 percent each and every day, but these workers we’ve honored have truly given that extra effort and commitment,” Wyman said after the Friday event. “We thank them for their dedicated service to the people of Washington and congratulate them on their well-deserved awards.”

Inslee and Wyman presented individual awards to Ginger Bernethy, Employment Security Department; Dan Corlett, Department of Transportation; Denise Dewey, Fish and Wildlife; Cly Evans, Department of Corrections; Maury Forman, Department of Commerce; Heidi Graham, Department of Licensing; Sheila Hosner, Governor’s Office for Regulatory Innovation and Assistance; Gail Kreiger, Health Care Authority; Don Martin, Department of Health; Tammy McMichael, Department of Corrections; and Jason Snow, State Parks.

Group awards went to the Department of Transportation’s GeoMetrix team of Paul Hulzebos, Jeff Graham and Jackie Ouellette; the Consolidated Technology Services’ Long-distance Conversion team of Sue Berg, Tanya Bray, Kelly Bush, Ted Carroll, Ron Lotton, Carol Skinner and Eric Talberg; and the Employment Security Department’s WorkSource Auburn team of Georgette Brooks, Daryl Hamilton-Manier, Janeane LaCasse, Jaide Ni Dufaigh, Sally Ouellette and Kimberly Tickner.

Six individuals received the Leadership Award, which is given to individuals at all levels of management who show exemplary leadership, such as inspiration, vision, integrity and commitment to service: Richard Aleshire, Department of Health; Jean Anderson, Department of Corrections; John Holeman, Department of Corrections; Shauna Owen, Health Care Authority; Debbie Robinson, Washington State Lottery; and John Ufford, Washington Military Department.
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