Zombies Make Perfect Library Patrons
I'm sure you know that staff of the Washington State Library travels to all corner's of the state and reaches out to diverse communities. Today we received a missive from Lyla Brekke, of the Eastern State Hospital Branch that shows you just how far we are willing to go to reach all the citizens of Washington State. We felt that Lyla's message should be shared.
The Washington State Library does a wonderful job of bringing quality library services to its many and varied branches throughout the state. Recently in Eastern Washington I have discovered an underserved population that is in dire need of just these services.
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A zombie community has sprung up in and around the Spokane and Medical lake area. My first customers, pictured here, weren’t able to articulate the nature of their needs, but helping patrons choose library materials is part of my job, so I made a few selections on their behalf. I think it shows on their dear faces that they are pretty pleased. I know it made my day! Now you might think the ‘undead’ would not make good library patrons…but you would be wrong. Just think of all the time they have for reading because unlike the rest of us, they don’t need to sleep.
Read more about my new friends at the following link;
Lyla Brekke
Eastern State Hospital Branch
Washington State Library