Golfers in CFD tourney help veterans charity



CFD Program Manager Philip Kerrigan (left) and Special Programs Director Stephanie Horn (second from right) with the winning four-man team (left to right): John Pazer, Andrew Brown, Thomas Bishop and Rob Hannigen. (Photo courtesy of Heather Lucas)

They came. They played golf. And they helped veterans.

Not a bad way to spend a Saturday for 92 linksters who took part in the second-annual Golf for Veterans Tournament run by the Washington State Combined Fund Drive. The tourney last weekend was held at Eagles Pride Golf Course, located at Joint Base Lewis-McChord and voted one of the top 10 military golf courses by Travel and Leisure magazine.

Participants and donors contributed $13,489 for the Wounded Warrior Project, about double what was raised in last year’s tourney.

The CFD staff thanks all of the supporting donors and individuals who helped make the event run smoothly.
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