SecWyman talks election with Comcast Newsmakers


Kim Comcast inteview

With the General Election just weeks away, the public and media are casting their eyes on the key races, measures and dates before voters cast their ballots.

As the chief elections official in Washington, Secretary of State Kim Wyman is being interviewed more and more leading up to the fall election. Wyman recently sat down for an interview with Comcast Newsmakers host Sabrina Register to talk about what is on the ballot (all 10 congressional seats, all of the state House and half of the state Senate, four State Supreme Court seats and three initiatives). Key voter registration deadlines, she noted, are Oct. 6 for online or mail-in registration or registration updates and Oct. 27 for in-person new registrations at your county elections office).

You can watch the Comcast interview here. Or you can catch it on CNN Headline News over the next few weeks.

If you haven’t registered and want to vote this fall, make sure to do it before one of those deadlines!
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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