From the Archives: 75th anniversary of Law murder case



(Image courtesy of Washington State Archives)

Even 75 years later, it's a murder case shrouded in mystery.

On Jan. 5, 1940, Laura Law was found murdered in her Aberdeen home. Her husband, Dick Law, was a local leader of the International Woodworkers of America union. Laura also was active in the union. The crime was investigated from 1940 to 1953 by the Aberdeen Police Department but never solved.

Our State Archives has many photos and documents from Laura Law’s murder case, including a newspaper clipping (above) about Law's funeral, which was attended by thousands.

In October 2012, the State Archives hosted an event in which current State Historian and former (Aberdeen) Daily World publisher and editor John Hughes joined Montesano Vidette reporter Tommi Halvorsen in discussing the Law murder case.
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