It’s National Voter Registration Month!



Most of us associate September with the return of school, football and fall. But it’s also the month dedicated to reminding citizens to register to vote.

The National Association of Secretaries of State, in which Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman is heavily involved as an executive board member, has declared September as National Voter Registration Month. NASS also has marked September 22 as National Voter Registration Day.

Wyman urges eligible citizens in Washington to register in time to participate in this fall’s General Election:
“This election is important because it features local races and measures that will have a big impact on you and our local communities. If you want your voice heard, you first must be registered to vote, so make sure you’re registered!”

If you’re a Washington citizen who isn’t registered to vote and you want to vote in this year’s General Election, you have until October 5 to register online or make an address change or other updates. October 26 is the deadline for new voter registrations prior to the General Election, but you have to register in person at your county elections department.
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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