Legacy Washington releases book of World War II profiles


(Image courtesy of Legacy Washington)

A new book featuring a dozen gripping profiles of Washingtonians who served in World War II has just been released by the Office of Secretary of State’s Legacy Washington team. “Washington Remembers World War II” tells personal stories from the global conflict in which the state played a key role. The book is a tribute to the veterans and citizens who lived through unimaginable horrors, as well as the “Rosie the riveters” on the home front who helped win the war. About 6,000 Washingtonians gave their lives in the war. The book is available through the Secretary of State’s State Seal Store. It costs $22.50, including shipping and handling. In August 2015, Legacy Washington unveiled an exhibit about the 12 World War II profile subjects to mark the 70th anniversary of the war’s end. That exhibit is now at the Karshner Museum and Center for Culture & Arts in Puyallup until February. Karshner is hosting Veterans Night at the Museum this Wednesday from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. For more about Legacy Washington’s Washington Remembers World War II project, go here.

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Steve Hobbs

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