R.R. "Bob" Greive
The oral history of R.R. "Bob" Greive in part tells the story of some of Washington's
most contentious political years, when the Legislature was still assigned the task
of legislative redistricting. Senator Greive is remembered by many as a key player
in the redistricting battles. His recollections, juxtaposed with excerpts from a
work by former legislative aide Howard E. McCurdy, provide valuable insight into
this intriguing chapter of Washington state's political history.
Bob Greive was a highly skilled politician, serving as Senate majority leader for
sixteen years. His oral history follows the career of a master political strategist
and campaigner, detailing Senator Greive's own methods for success, such as his
widely noted "sign-shops," one of the first instances of mass produced political
yard signs in the state. Known in some circles as the hardest working politician
of his time, Senator Greive is also an accomplished artist. Several of his drawings
and cartoons, many of which figured into his political life, can be found in his
oral history.
R.R. "Bob" Greive: An Oral History