Robert F. Utter Award, YMCA
Youth and Government Washington State
State Must Abandon the Death Penalty," Seattle Times, March 11, 2009
Should Recuse Themselves from Cases Involving Campaign Benefactors," Seattle Times,
March 3, 2009
Washington Law Review honors
Justice Robert F. Utter, 2009
Witnesses to Genocide: Program
Presents Interviews with Rwandan Tribunal, University Week, 2009
"Don't Exempt
Rossi from State Campaign Laws," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, October 14, 2008
TVW: Robert Utter speaks on stability in former Soviet Bloc States to Thurston County
Dispute Resolution Center, 2002
"The Rule of Law and the Magnificence of the Human Spirit," Keynote Address at Goldmark
Award Luncheon, Legal Foundation of Washington, 2001
TVW: Inside Olympia features three of the original judges of the Washington State
Court of Appeals, 1999
TVW: Robert Utter is honored at the "Good in Government Awards Gala" by The League
of Women Voters, 1998